The Almighty makes use of the weakest means to bring about his work
- Nano Nagle
The Almighty makes use of the weakest means to bring about his work
The call to be a Presentation Sister today is as challenging and radical as it was when Nano first called her companions together to respond to the needs of the poor children and people of Cork and founded the Congregation in 1175.
Nano Nagle founded a religious institute to continue and extend her work for the education of the poor, the evangelisation of her people and the relief of those most exploited by the Penal Laws. This institute became the Congregation of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Today, over 3,000 sisters work as teachers, counsellors, therapists, nurses, administrators, spiritual guides, chaplains, pastoral agents, and in community and enterprise development.
You will find us in schools, colleges, community centres, health centres, hospitals, and prisons.