

Keeping records and archives is a way of giving our testimony as followers of Jesus in Presentation religious life.

Something which has existed
since the beginning,
That we have heard, with our own eyes;
That we have watched
and touched with our hands:
the Word who is life –
this is our subject.
That life was made visible:
We saw it and we are giving our testimony…
What we have seen and heard we are telling you
So that you too may be in union with us..
We are writing this to you..

- John 1:1-4

“Our archives are those records, usually paper, generated and used by Presentation Sisters from the time of Nano Nagle and which need to be preserved indefinitely, because of their enduring value. They represent the collective memory of the congregation since its foundation”.

Presentation Archives: Practical care of our Future by Sr Sheila Kelly, Congregational Archivist 2002