We are a group of women shaped by fidelity to the Gospel as expressed in the spirituality and charism of Nano Nagle,founder of tne Union of Presentation Sisters. We embody her commitment to the education and care of the vulnerable and powerless. In fidelity to the founding spirit, we respond creatively in the contexts where we live and minister.
The South West Province of the Union of Presentation Sisters is an unincorporated charitable association governed by Constitutions.
The South West Province, is governed by a Provincial Leadership Team – who are also the Trustees of the Charity – consisting of a Provincial Leader and three team members. They were appointed by the Congregation Leadership Team of the Union of Presentation Sisters, following a consultative process with the Sisters in the Province and constitute the Leadership Team.
They were appointed for a five-year term in August 2020. The current leadership team is as follows:
Sr. Grace McKernan
Provincial Leader
Sr. Eileen Clear
Team member
Sr. Margaret Cahill
Team member